Results for 'Petra C. Schmid'

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  1.  8
    Individuals’ Power Persistence in Teams: A Study Examining the Effects of Individuals’ Competence, Uncooperative Behavior and Team Performance in the National Basketball Association.Constantinos S. Mammassis & Petra C. Schmid - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper examined the persistence of individuals’ power in teams and the individual- and team-level factors influencing power maintenance and loss in the long-term. Specifically, and in line with the functional theory of power, we showed that individuals’ state of power in the past exerted a significant behavioral impact on their later state of power, hence, confirming the “power persistence” hypothesis. Furthermore, and in accordance with the conflict theory of power, we found that individuals’ competence positively influenced power above and (...)
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    Between Conspiracy Beliefs, Ingroup Bias, and System Justification: How People Use Defense Strategies to Cope With the Threat of COVID-19.Chiara A. Jutzi, Robin Willardt, Petra C. Schmid & Eva Jonas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current situation around COVID-19 portrays a threat to us in several ways: It imposes uncertainty, a lack of control and reminds us of our own mortality. People around the world have reacted to these threats in seemingly unrelated ways: From stockpiling yeast and toilet paper to favoring nationalist ideas or endorsing conspiratorial beliefs. According to the General Process Model of Threat and Defense the confrontation with a threat - a discrepant experience - makes humans react with both proximal and (...)
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    Empathic and non-empathic routes to visuospatial perspective-taking.Petra C. Gronholm, Maria Flynn, Caroline J. Edmonds & Mark R. Gardner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):494-500.
    The present study examined whether strategy moderated the relationship between visuospatial perspective-taking and empathy. Participants undertook both a perspective-taking task requiring speeded spatial judgements made from the perspective of an observed figure and the Empathy Quotient questionnaire, a measure of trait empathy. Perspective-taking performance was found to be related to empathy in that more empathic individuals showed facilitated performance particularly for figures sharing their own spatial orientation. This relationship was restricted to participants that reported perspective-taking by mentally transforming their spatial (...)
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    Intentions and Values in Animal Welfare Legislation and Standards.Frida Lundmark, C. Berg, O. Schmid, D. Behdadi & H. Röcklinsberg - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6):991-1017.
    The focus on animal welfare in society has increased during the last 50 years. Animal welfare legislation and private standards have developed, and today many farmers within animal production have both governmental legislation and private standards to comply with. In this paper intentions and values are described that were expressed in 14 animal welfare legislation and standards in four European countries; Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany and Spain. It is also discussed if the legislation and standards actually accomplish what they, in (...)
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    Participation in a single-blinded pediatric therapeutic strategy study for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: are parents and patient-participants in equipoise?Petra C. E. Hissink Muller, Bahar Yildiz, Cornelia F. Allaart, Danielle M. C. Brinkman, Marion van Rossum, Lisette W. A. van Suijlekom-Smit, J. Merlijn van den Berg, Rebecca ten Cate & Martine C. de Vries - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-9.
    Background Genuine uncertainty on superiority of one intervention over the other is called equipoise. Physician-investigators in randomized controlled trials need equipoise at least in studies with more than minimal risks. Ideally, this equipoise is also present in patient-participants. In pediatrics, data on equipoise are lacking. We hypothesize that 1) lack of equipoise at enrolment among parents may reduce recruitment; 2) lack of equipoise during participation may reduce retention in patients assigned to a less favoured treatment-strategy. Methods We compared preferences of (...)
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  6. Existential Inertia and Classical Theistic Proofs.Joseph C. Schmid & Daniel J. Linford - 2022 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book critically assesses arguments for the existence of the God of classical theism, develops an innovative account of objects’ persistence, and defends new arguments against classical theism. The authors engage the following classical theistic proofs: Aquinas’s First Way, Aquinas’s De Ente argument, and Feser’s Aristotelian, Neo-Platonic, Augustinian, Thomistic, and Rationalist proofs. The authors also provide the first systematic treatment of the ‘existential inertia thesis’. By connecting the thesis to relativity theory and recent developments in the philosophy of physics, and (...)
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    The Acute Effects of Standing on Executive Functioning in Vocational Education and Training Students: The Phit2Learn Study.Petra J. Luteijn, Inge S. M. van der Wurff, Amika S. Singh, Hans H. C. M. Savelberg & Renate H. M. de Groot - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research suggests that sedentary behavior is negatively associated with cognitive outcomes. Interrupting prolonged sitting has been shown to improve cognitive functions, including executive functioning, which is important for academic performance. No research has been conducted on the effect of standing on EF in VET students, who make up a large proportion of the adolescent population and who are known to sit more than other students of this age. In this study, we investigated the acute effects of reducing SB by short (...)
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  8. Benardete Paradoxes, Causal Finitism, and the Unsatisfiable Pair Diagnosis.Joseph C. Schmid & Alex Malpass - forthcoming - Mind.
    We examine two competing solutions to Benardete paradoxes: causal finitism, according to which nothing can have infinitely many causes, and the unsatisfiable pair diagnosis (UPD), according to which such paradoxes are logically impossible and no metaphysical thesis need be adopted to avoid them. We argue that the UPD enjoys notable theoretical advantages over causal finitism. Causal finitists, however, have levelled two main objections to the UPD. First, they urge that the UPD requires positing a ‘mysterious force’ that prevents paradoxes from (...)
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  9.  68
    Visually Driven Activation in Macaque Areas V2 and V3 without Input from the Primary Visual Cortex.Michael C. Schmid & Mark A. Augath - unknown
    Creating focal lesions in primary visual cortex (V1) provides an opportunity to study the role of extra-geniculo-striate pathways for activating extrastriate visual cortex. Previous studies have shown that more than 95% of neurons in macaque area V2 and V3 stop firing after reversibly cooling V1 [1,2,3]. However, no studies on long term recovery in areas V2, V3 following permanent V1 lesions have been reported in the macaque. Here we use macaque fMRI to study area V2, V3 activity patterns from 1 (...)
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  10. The aloneness argument against classical theism.Joseph C. Schmid & R. T. Mullins - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (2):1-19.
    We argue that there is a conflict among classical theism's commitments to divine simplicity, divine creative freedom, and omniscience. We start by defining key terms for the debate related to classical theism. Then we articulate a new argument, the Aloneness Argument, aiming to establish a conflict among these attributes. In broad outline, the argument proceeds as follows. Under classical theism, it's possible that God exists without anything apart from Him. Any knowledge God has in such a world would be wholly (...)
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  11. Benardete paradoxes, patchwork principles, and the infinite past.Joseph C. Schmid - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):51.
    Benardete paradoxes involve a beginningless set each member of which satisfies some predicate just in case no earlier member satisfies it. Such paradoxes have been wielded on behalf of arguments for the impossibility of an infinite past. These arguments often deploy patchwork principles in support of their key linking premise. Here I argue that patchwork principles fail to justify this key premise.
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  12. The fruitful death of modal collapse arguments.Joseph C. Schmid - 2021 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 91 (1):3-22.
    Modal collapse arguments are all the rage in certain philosophical circles as of late. The arguments purport to show that classical theism entails the absurdly fatalistic conclusion that everything exists necessarily. My first aim in this paper is bold: to put an end to action-based modal collapse arguments against classical theism. To accomplish this, I first articulate the ‘Simple Modal Collapse Argument’ and then characterize and defend Tomaszewski’s criticism thereof. Second, I critically examine Mullins’ new modal collapse argument formulated in (...)
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  13. Branching actualism and cosmological arguments.Joseph C. Schmid & Alex Malpass - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (7):1951-1973.
    We draw out significant consequences of a relatively popular theory of metaphysical modality—branching actualism—for cosmological arguments for God’s existence. According to branching actualism, every possible world shares an initial history with the actual world and diverges only because causal powers (or dispositions, or some such) are differentially exercised. We argue that branching actualism undergirds successful responses to two recent cosmological arguments: the Grim Reaper Kalam argument and a modal argument from contingency. We also argue that branching actualism affords a response (...)
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  14. A Step-by-Step Argument for Causal Finitism.Joseph C. Schmid - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (5):2097-2122.
    I defend a new argument for causal finitism, the view that nothing can have an infinite causal history. I begin by defending a number of plausible metaphysical principles, after which I explore a host of novel variants of the Littlewood-Ross and Thomson’s Lamp paradoxes that violate such principles. I argue that causal finitism is the best solution to the paradoxes.
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  15. Symmetry's revenge.Joseph C. Schmid - 2023 - Analysis 83 (4):723-731.
    James Henry Collin recently developed a new symmetry breaker favouring the ontological argument’s possibility premiss over that of the reverse ontological argument. The symmetry breaker amounts to an undercutting defeater for the reverse possibility premiss based on Kripkean cases of a posteriori necessity. I argue, however, that symmetry re-arises in two forms. First, I challenge the purported asymmetry in epistemic entitlements to the original and reverse possibility premisses. Second, relevantly similar Kripkean cases equally undercut the original possibility premiss.
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  16. Symmetry Breakers for the Modal Ontological Argument.Joseph C. Schmid - manuscript
    The modal ontological argument (MOA) proceeds from God’s possible existence to God’s actual existence. A prominent objection to the MOA is that it suffers from a symmetry problem: an exactly parallel modal ontological argument can be given for God's non-existence. Several attempts have been made to break the symmetry between the arguments. This draft is a mostly comprehensive survey of those attempts. -/- The draft was initially written as a supplement to the 2024 Summer edition of the SEP entry on (...)
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  17. Existential inertia and the Aristotelian proof.Joseph C. Schmid - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 89 (3):201-220.
    Edward Feser defends the ‘Aristotelian proof’ for the existence of God, which reasons that the only adequate explanation of the existence of change is in terms of an unchangeable, purely actual being. His argument, however, relies on the falsity of the Existential Inertia Thesis, according to which concrete objects tend to persist in existence without requiring an existential sustaining cause. In this article, I first characterize the dialectical context of Feser’s Aristotelian proof, paying special attention to EIT and its rival (...)
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  18. Stage One of the Aristotelian Proof: A Critical Appraisal.Joseph C. Schmid - 2021 - Sophia 60 (4):781-796.
    What explains change? Edward Feser argues in his ‘Aristotelian proof’ that the only adequate answer to these questions is ultimately in terms of an unchangeable, purely actual being. In this paper, I target the cogency of Feser’s reasoning to such an answer. In particular, I present novel paths of criticism—both undercutting and rebutting—against one of Feser’s central premises. I then argue that Feser’s inference that the unactualized actualizer lacks any potentialities contains a number of non-sequiturs.
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  19. The End is Near: Grim Reapers and Endless Futures.Joseph C. Schmid - 2024 - Mind 133 (532).
    José Benardete developed a famous paradox involving a beginningless set of items each member of which satisfies some predicate just in case no earlier member satisfies it. The Grim Reaper version of this paradox has recently been employed in favour of various finitist metaphysical theses, ranging from temporal finitism to causal finitism to the discrete nature of time. Here, I examine a new challenge to these finitist arguments—namely, the challenge of implying that the future cannot be endless. In particular, I (...)
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  20. From Modal Collapse to Providential Collapse.Joseph C. Schmid - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (3):1413-1435.
    The modal collapse objection to classical theism has received significant attention among philosophers as of late. My aim in this paper is to advance this blossoming debate. First, I briefly survey the modal collapse literature and argue that classical theists avoid modal collapse if and only if they embrace an indeterministic link between God and his effects. Second, I argue that this indeterminism poses two challenges to classical theism. The first challenge is that it collapses God’s status as an intentional (...)
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  21. Classical Theism, Arbitrary Creation, and Reason-Based Action.Joseph C. Schmid - 2022 - Sophia 61 (3):565-579.
    Surely God, as a perfectly rational being, created the universe for some _reason_. But is God’s creating the universe for a reason compatible with divine impassibility? That is the question I investigate in this article. The _prima facie_ tension between impassibility and God’s creating for a reason arises from impassibility’s commitment to God being uninfluenced by anything _ad extra_. If God is uninfluenced in this way, asks the detractor, how could he be moved to create anything at all? This _prima (...)
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  22. Naturalism, classical theism, and first causes.Joseph C. Schmid - 2023 - Religious Studies 59:63-77.
    Enric F. Gel has recently argued that classical theism enjoys a significant advantage over Graham Oppy's naturalism. According to Gel, classical theism – unlike Oppy's naturalism – satisfactorily answers two questions: first, how many first causes are there, and second, why is it that number rather than another? In this article, I reply to Gel's argument for classical theism's advantage over Oppy's naturalism. I also draw out wider implications of my investigation for the gap problem and Christian doctrine along the (...)
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  23.  28
    The Role of Amodal Surface Completion in Stereoscopic Transparency.Barton L. Anderson & Alexandra C. Schmid - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Looking Beneath the Surface: Medical Ethics From Islamic and Western Perspectives.Hendrik M. Vroom, Petra Verdonk, Marzouk Aulad Abdellah & Martina C. Cornel (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Editions Rodopi.
    Looking Beneath the Surface explores Arab-Islamic and Western perspectives on medical ethical issues: genetic research and treatment, abortion, organ donation, and palliative sedation and euthanasia. The contributions in this volume discuss the state of the art, the role of laws, counseling, and spiritual counseling in the decision-making process. The different approaches to the ethical issues, ways of moral reasoning, become clear in these contributions, especially the role of tradition for Islam and the importance of autonomy for the West. Beneath the (...)
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  25. Grim Reaper Paradoxes and Patchwork Principles: Severing the Case for Finitism.Troy Dana & Joseph C. Schmid - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Benardete paradoxes involve infinite collections of Grim Reapers, assassins, demons, deafening peals, or even sentences. These paradoxes have recently been used in arguments for finitist metaphysical theses such as temporal finitism, causal finitism, and discrete views of time. Here we develop a new finite Benardete-like paradox. We then use this paradox to defend a companions in guilt argument that challenges recent applications of patchwork principles on behalf of the aforementioned finitist arguments. Finally, we develop another problem for those applications by (...)
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  26. Vocal Parameters of Speech and Singing Covary and Are Related to Vocal Attractiveness, Body Measures, and Sociosexuality: A Cross-Cultural Study.Jaroslava Varella Valentova, Petr Tureček, Marco Antonio Corrêa Varella, Pavel Šebesta, Francisco Dyonisio C. Mendes, Kamila Janaina Pereira, Lydie Kubicová, Petra Stolařová & Jan Havlíček - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Different predictors of memory scanning with unidimensional and digit stimuli.Robert M. Levy, David M. Goldberg & John C. Schmid - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (5):331-334.
  28. Filozofické problémy súčasnej fyziky a astronómie. Petráš, Milan & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1962 - Bratislava]: Vydavatel'stvo politickej literatúry.
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    Technology Assessment of Socio-Technical Futures—A Discussion Paper.Andreas Lösch, Knud Böhle, Christopher Coenen, Paulina Dobroc, Reinhard Heil, Armin Grunwald, Dirk Scheer, Christoph Schneider, Arianna Ferrari, Dirk Hommrich, Martin Sand, Stefan C. Aykut, Sascha Dickel, Daniela Fuchs, Karen Kastenhofer, Helge Torgersen, Bruno Gransche, Alexandra Hausstein, Kornelia Konrad, Alfred Nordmann, Petra Schaper-Rinkel, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer & Alexander Wentland - 2019 - In Andreas Lösch, Armin Grunwald, Martin Meister & Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer (eds.), Socio-Technical Futures Shaping the Present: Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 285-308.
    Problem: Visions of technology, future scenarios, guiding visions represent imaginations of future states of affairs that play a functional role in processes of technological research, development and innovation—e.g. as a means to create attention, communication, coordination, or for the strategic exertion of influence. Since a couple of years there is a growing attention for such imaginations of futures in politics, the economy, research and the civil society. This trend concerns technology assessment as an observer of these processes and a consultant (...)
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  30.  11
    Feminist Theory in Intergenerational Perspective.Iris van der Tuin, Petra de Vries & Renée C. Hoogland - 2004 - European Journal of Women's Studies 11 (4):461-472.
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    A Computerized Version of the Scrambled Sentences Test.Roberto Viviani, Lisa Dommes, Julia E. Bosch, Julia C. Stingl & Petra Beschoner - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  32.  14
    Das Leben: historisch-systematische Studien zur Geschichte eines Begriffs.Petra Bahr & Stephan Schaede (eds.) - 2009 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Der erste der auf vier Bände angelegten Sichtungen der Bestimmung,Leben' stellt in chronologischer Folge wichtige Grundkonstellationen des Begriffsfeldes Leben von Aristoteles bis Schelling vor. Exemplarisch wird herausgearbeitet, wie in der europäischen Kulturgeschichte vom Leben geredet wurde, wann und weshalb der Lebensbegriff an Bedeutung gewann und warum die Rede vom Leben mit einer eigenen Konfliktgeschichte verbunden ist. Von besonderem Interesse sind dabei jene Diskussionen, die für christliche Traditionen direkt oder latent relevant wurden. Damit soll den Lebensdiskursen innerhalb der bioethischen Debatten ein (...)
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    Verse Panegyric - (C.) Schindler Per carmina laudes. Untersuchungen zur spätantiken Verspanegyrik von Claudian bis Coripp. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 253.) Pp. viii + 344. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. Cased, €98, US$137. ISBN: 978-3-11-020127-7. [REVIEW]Petra Schierl - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):157-159.
  34. Petra Werner, Der Heiler: Tuberkuloseforscher Friedrich F. Friedmann.C. Gradmann - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3/4):532-532.
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    Concrete barriers to quantifier elimination in finite dimensional C*‐algebras.Christopher J. Eagle & Todd Schmid - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (4):490-497.
    Work of Eagle, Farah, Goldbring, Kirchberg, and Vignati shows that the only separable C*‐algebras that admit quantifier elimination in continuous logic are,,, and the continuous functions on the Cantor set. We show that, among finite dimensional C*‐algebras, quantifier elimination does hold if the language is expanded to include two new predicate symbols: One for minimal projections, and one for pairs of unitarily conjugate elements. Both of these predicates are definable, but not quantifier‐free definable, in the usual language of C*‐algebras. We (...)
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    C. Travaux de restauration et d'aménagement.Martin Schmid - 2003 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 127 (2):470-479.
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    'There can be only one.' A Response to Joseph C. Schmid.Enric F. Gel - 2023 - Religious Studies 59:836-851.
    Recently, in response to an article of mine, Joseph C. Schmid has argued that some traditional theistic arguments for God’s unicity are problematic in that they presuppose a controversial principle and conflict with Trinitarian theology. In this article, I answer Schmid’s concerns. I defend one of the original arguments while advancing new ones, and I vindicate my abductive argument for theism over naturalism.
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    Revisiting Kadenbach: Electron flux rate through cytochrome c‐oxidase determines the ATP‐inhibitory effect and subsequent production of ROS.Sebastian Vogt, Annika Rhiel, Petra Weber & Rabia Ramzan - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (6):556-567.
    Mitochondrial respiration is the predominant source of ATP. Excessive rates of electron transport cause a higher production of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS). There are two regulatory mechanisms known. The first, according to Mitchel, is dependent on the mitochondrial membrane potential that drives ATP synthase for ATP production, and the second, the Kadenbach mechanism, is focussed on the binding of ATP to Cytochrome c Oxidase (CytOx) at high ATP/ADP ratios, which results in an allosteric conformational change to CytOx, causing inhibition. (...)
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  39.  65
    (1 other version)The Human Rights Revolution: An International History by Akira Iriye, Petra Goedde, and William I. Hitchcock (eds.). [REVIEW]William Michael Schmidli - 2013 - Human Rights Review 14 (1):63-65.
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    Subjective Theories about (Self-)Treatment with Ayahuasca.Janine Tatjana Schmid, Henrik Jungaberle & Rolf Verres - 2010 - Anthropology of Consciousness 21 (2):188-204.
    Ayahuasca is a psychoactive beverage that is mostly used in ritualized settings (Santo Daime rituals, neo-shamanic rituals, and even do-it-yourself-rituals). It is a common practice in the investigated socio-cultural field to call these settings “healing rituals.” For this study, 15 people who underwent ayahuasca (self-)therapy for a particular disease like chronic pain, cancer, asthma, depression, alcohol abuse, or Hepatitis C were interviewed twice about their subjective concepts and beliefs on ayahuasca and healing. Qualitative data analysis revealed a variety of motivational (...)
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    (1 other version)Arbeit Und Spiel: Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 2018.Alexander Friedrich, Petra Gehring, Christoph Hubig, Andreas Kaminski & Alfred Nordmann (eds.) - 2018 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh & Co. Kg.
    Spiel und Arbeit gelten oft als Gegensätze: Das Spiel als freie Betätigung menschlicher Vermögen, die Arbeit als deren Subordination unter einen äußeren Zweck. Die Festlegung des Spiels auf konsequenzlose Wiederholbarkeit hat ihm den Ruf des Unernsten eingetragen, während das Abzwecken der Arbeit auf die Nützlichkeit ihres Resultats im Bund mit der Sorge ums Dasein steht. Auf einen zweiten Blick scheint dieser Gegensatz jedoch, gerade in den hochentwickeltsten Ausprägungen beider Tätigkeitsformen, zu verschwinden. So kann eine hochgradige Rationalisierung von Spielpraktiken in Arbeit (...)
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    Rationality and Commitment, edited by Fabienne Peter and Hans Bernhard Schmid.C. Andreou - 2010 - Mind 119 (473):228-231.
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    Quotatives Indicating Quotations in Pāli Commentarial Literature, I Iti/ti and Quotatives with Vuttaṃ.Petra Kieffer-Pülz - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):427-452.
    This article deals with quotatives–overt marks that indicate quotations–consisting in iti/ti or containing vuttaṃ which are used in Pāli commentarial literature to signal the occurrence of a quotation. We distinguish two types, namely, “general quotatives” and “individual quotatives”. The former are universally valid. They are widely acknowledged and used in various text corpora over several centuries. The latter are defined by an author solely for usage in his commentary. In the first part of our contribution we describe the implications connected (...)
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    Hedgehog lipids: Promotors of alternative morphogen release and signaling?Dominique Manikowski, Kristina Ehring, Fabian Gude, Petra Jakobs, Jurij Froese & Kay Grobe - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (11):2100133.
    Two posttranslational lipid modifications present on all Hedgehog (Hh) morphogens—an N‐terminal palmitate and a C‐terminal cholesterol—are established and essential regulators of Hh biofunction. Yet, for several decades, the question of exactly how both lipids contribute to Hh signaling remained obscure. Recently, cryogenic electron microscopy revealed different modes by which one or both lipids may contribute directly to Hh binding and signaling to its receptor Patched1 (Ptc). Some of these modes demand that the established release factor Dispatched1 (Disp) extracts dual‐lipidated Hh (...)
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    Metrical Correspondence in Pindar—I.C. M. Bowra - 1933 - Classical Quarterly 27 (02):81-.
    In his Works of Pindar, Vol. II, p. xxiii, Dr. L. R. Farnell discusses the admission of metrical licences into Pindar's text, and pronounces that ‘the “Responsion-law” should not be pressed with over-strained severity.’ In general he agrees with Wilamowitz and Schroeder and disagrees with the stricter school of P. Maas. But none of these scholars have formulated the principles by which long syllables may be equated with short in Pindar's text, or even those by which two short syllables may (...)
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    C.C.E. Schmid and the Doctrine of Intelligible Fatalism.John Walsh - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (5):950-973.
    C.C.E. Schmid’s doctrine of intelligible fatalism was immensely influential in the immediate reception of Kant’s philosophy. Existing treatments of this doctrine, largely neglected by modern scholarship, echo uncharitable interpretations espoused by Schmid’s contemporaries. I demonstrate that Schmid’s intelligible fatalism is more coherent and philosophically robust than hitherto recognized. I argue for a novel interpretation of Schmid’s account of rational agency, showing that intelligible fatalism is compatible with his conceptions of freedom, obligation, and imputation. Specifically, I argue (...)
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  47. Deconstructing the Self-Other Binary in Care Networks by Unravelling Professional’ Perspectives through an Intersectional Lens.Aldiene Henrieke Hengelaar, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Tineke Abma & Petra Verdonk - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-21.
    In many western countries informal care is conceived as the answer to the increasing care demand. Little is known how formal and informal caregivers collaborate in the context of an diverse ageing population. The aim of this study was to gain insight in how professionals’ perspectives regarding the collaboration with informal carers with a migration background are framed and shaped by intersecting aspects of diversity. We used an intersectionality informed qualitative design with informal conversations (N = 12) and semi-structured interviews (...)
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    The Epigrams of Anacreon on Hermae.C. A. Trypanis - 1951 - Classical Quarterly 1 (1-2):31-.
    If we consult the Anthologia Lyrica of E. Diehl and the Geschichte der griechischen Literatur of Schmid-Stählin, we find that they consider as genuine the three epigrams on Hermae which the Palatine Anthology attributes to Anacreon. The question of the authenticity of these epigrams has been for long a matter of dispute, but we may shed further light on it if we take into account the spread of the cult of Hermes in Attica and Anacreon's visit, or possibly visits, (...)
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  49. Philosophy for children meets the art of living: a holistic approach to an education for life.L. D'Olimpio & C. Teschers - 2016 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 23 (2):114-124.
    This article explores the meeting of two approaches towards philosophy and education: the philosophy for children approach advocated by Lipman and others, and Schmid’s philosophical concept of Lebenskunst. Schmid explores the concept of the beautiful or good life by asking what is necessary for each individual to be able to develop their own art of living and which aspects of life are significant when shaping a good and beautiful life. One element of Schmid’s theory is the practical (...)
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  50. C. Ch. E. Schmid, Wörterbuch zum leichteren Gebrauch der Kantischen Schriften, ed. N. Hinske. [REVIEW]R. Malter - 1980 - Kant Studien 71 (4):508.
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